Wednesday, September 15, 2010
So unfortunately assisting for Lan Nyguen has been cancelled so I am only doing one show at London fashion week which was really disappointing... apparently my school booked people for a show she had already chosen her team for :( but on the bright side I am still doing the show on Saturday so not a total loss!
As the Friday show was cancelled I was offered two Rimmel shows - the exact details and what these entail I am not sure! I was just told to bring my make up brushes but after I received the booking it turns out I have to be able to manicure... which I cant! Panic... panic! I have explained and they have booked extra artists for this but I still have to buy the basic stuff... so I have been consuming you tube videos to try and work out what I need in my basic kit and have a basic understanding of nails just in case my newly acquired knowledge and skills are called upon.
So in my basic kit it seems:
- Nail varnish remover
- small towel
- small bowl
- cotton balls and buds
- nail file (but one of those buffer ones!)
- orange sticks
- maybe some cuticle softener
- cream for cubicles
- cream for hand
- nail clippers
The most useful videos I found were
This one - they have removed the embedding code so cant add this one in I'm afraid
and this one -
if anyone has any other videos or products they can recommend let me know! Nothing like a bit of pressure... wish me luck x
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