Sunday, September 12, 2010
As you all know its London Fashion Week next week!!!
Through the make up school I studied at I went for a trial yesterday to see if I could get on the team to assist one of the head artists for the shows at Vauxhall Fashion Scout.
The day was officially scary! It was set up like a test, we were shown the look
we were expected to do. First we did the look on our partners
and then the two teachers judged and marked our efforts (think Master Chef for make up - need to conceal more here, your line could have been more even etc!) Swapped over so our partners could get their turn and were judged. Then of course we broke for lu
nch which if you were like me were so nervous that you could not stomach any proper food. Back for one more demo and were copied and redone by us again.
The teachers who were testing us were: Louise Dartord and Jo Sugar. I am sorry to report I have no pictures of the make up by the teachers- but as one of the looks was roughly the look being done on one of the shows it was a bit top secret, but fear not I did manage to get pics of the final look that we produced!
So this first one I apologise due to bad lighting you can't see the ey
es but you can see my fabulous contouring I did on my partner:

I did a close up on my own eyes that my partner did on me but I
had taken it down from my eyebrow as looked a bit much for my train ride home! It was a very beautiful bronzed look with lots of contour!

Me and my partner both got through so I will be working on the following shows:
Prophetik - head artist Lan Ngyuen - Friday 17th
Fashion Shenzen - head artist Louise Dartford - Saturday 18th
very very excited!!!
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