Sunday, June 7, 2009

So I went to see the school on Saturday! I really must have walked past that doorway about a 1,000 times and never seen the school there. But I guess that is the same with most places all over London, you only know where you need to and ignore the rest.
When I went into the school I was shown to the class and got to talk to the make up artists and students and taken through the massive collection of make up available to all students to try. I had been looking at a school where you bring your own make up however, I think having it all available to you when you study is a better idea as you can then work out what you like and what you don't so that you don't end up wasting your pennies on stuff you aren't going to use! One of the top make up artists there did seem to be quite stand off ish but I guess this industry will be quite tough so I need to grow a thicker skin and fast!
I was then talked through how all the students learn - they are given a demo by top make up artists in the morning and then made to replicate it and then after lunch they are allowed to do their own interpretation of the look.
Each day they are also given different key brands to try so that they can work their way through what is good and what isn't!
I got to look through some of the teachers portfolios which were absolutely amazing some of their worth really was breath taking - and a little intimidating. The school specialises in fashion editorial and catwalk which all students if good enough can potentially take part in as assistants.
I am paying my deposit next week but my course wont start until November!
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