After my current You Tube/ Blog addiction I have decided to give my own a go!
So the first product that I am absolutely in love with is.....

I read about this product in Sunday Times magazine (Not
something i read all the time, but I went through a stage of reading it for recipes, when I was desperately learning how to cook, burnt pasta was just not cutting it!) So anyway, this product was made for superdrug by one of the larger brands I want to say something like Estee Lauder but I am not certain. So at £12 its not the cheapest in the world, but this is my second tube and I love it!

My next product I am currently trialing after reading about it on Bubbleg
arm's site is Naked Shampoo and conditioner. I have been using it for around 2 weeks and have noticed that my hair has not really improved it still looks slightly dry and lifeless and requires washing every day. So I am resigning myself to the fact that it isnt really suited to my hair. I have tried so many products on my hair as it is really thick and after my constant straightening as it is also frizzy and wavy it is now becoming dry. :( So this isn't a product I will be buying again, but I have spied in Superdrug another brand that is also natural so I think this will be next on the shopping list!

The next product I am trialing is Nair's hair removal cream, I have to admit to always being a razor girl, which does leave you with prickly stubble :( not attractive so I am now giving this product a go! I used this, this morning on my legs, underarm and bikini line and my findings so far is, I haven't left it on for long enough (product states 5 minutes but I think 7 is closer to the amount of time I need). Also I didn't put it on thick enough so I have now patchily removed everything, but i will try again and see how we get on! I really dislike the peachy smell, but am happy that it worked on my legs without any reaction, as i have had a bad experience with a similar product in the past which made me come up in a rash :(
Thats all for now folks x